Sunday, March 8, 2020

My blood, My Tears and my Feminis 2020

Today, the world celebrates International Women's Day, which the United Nations officially began celebrating in the same year that it was born! As a woman, I would like to how some spictures of what I observed during my life and how women are living in our present world. 

First, I would like to salute the Palestinian woman who fights daily living under the oppressive and violent occupation of the Israel. Her children say goodbye to her daily, not sure whether she will see them again or will they be arrested or Hunted by the snipers of the occupation ... Likewise, the Syrian, Iraqi, and other mothers are stranded in the regions that suffer from conflicts. A big greeting of honor and dignity to this lady.

After forty-five years there are still women somewhere fighting for freedom to choose a husband, freedom to live a happy childhood that gives me hope for a bright future, not to be married to a man twice the age of my father, Still among us who Petrifying women, waving her right to get married with whoever she wish and imposes them on marriage and does not let them choose their way … the woman is still looking for safety while she is married and forced to be attached to a man  thinking that she is safe & in secure, but  he treats her as if she is his personal property gives the right for himself to do whatever he want with her as if she was a sheep who’s driven to it death while her folks are watching from afar and brag it’s his wife and he can do whatever he wants with her…

I want to choose my education, I want freedom to choose my job, Freedom in choosing specialization... We still kill the woman and the perpetrator gets innocence on the pretext that it is an issue of honor.

The whole world still sees women with half a mind, it is not equal in wages in major institutions and some countries cannot nominate women in a leadership or sovereign position, the exploitation of women and her body is still in commercial advertising, the other sees the woman in her shape and body and does not see her in her mind, or her qualifications, the woman is still She needs a guardian to sign it on official papers and medical approvals, the woman still needs financial stability besides moral stability, on the part of her family, and from her community ...

The journey is long and we think it has ended or is about to end? Until today, we find someone wondering what the woman wants yet? She left her house, demanding her rights, because she was confiscated and not letting her breath in healthy society.

There are still women in prison because they dared speak out and expressed their opinions.

My beautiful ladies every year and you are fine ... the journey is still long

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