Friday, December 6, 2019

The Rock

What happened and what she said...

I’ve got married when I was 16 years old, a child going to school, my dreams not clear yet, trying to discover the basics of life and suddenly that wealthy groom who propose to my family after spotting me in one party and he decides to own me, sorry, I mean to marry me and it happened I didn’t agree at the beginning but my family convinced me that, this is a great chance to live in a comfort zone and all my demands will be achieved at once and it happens, I mean the marriage, but that little girl returned back to her house within 6 months, my husband got bored and start to look for a new catch and now one taught me how to save my marriage or so. I went back to my family house holding the ugly description at the age of 17, broken and feeling down, growing 10 years above my real age… feeling lost, and what my family do, instead of helping me to pass by they decide to hand me to the second man to become a wife for the second time… and this time, the husband wants to have babies so he decides to marry me because I am young and will be able to make his wish real but I was like the cattle that are driven to their fate, no soul, no reaction and of course no feelings.. living with someone that I have no connections no passion and can’t respond to any attempt from his side until he gives up and it appears that I did not care less like I don’t want to live not with him but with anyone… I was waiting the end, any kind of end and it came so soon, within one year, no pregnancy happens, nothing wrong with you, that’s what the doctor said but I am not ready yet, that what I said to me, the end is coming I can see, it clear, this time because of no one guides me no but because I don’t want even to try.
For the second time divorced, lonely, lost and have no clue what is going to happen to me, but mostly what is the point of my life so far, no education, no family and no future of course.
At this point my family stepped away…, let’s say they felt a little bit guilty, or maybe they give up or lost hope on me. don’t know but the important thing that I was left alone, living in my room all day and night, … at that time, a hand reached to me, a rescue…left me up, lighting my darkness moments… that’s was my youngest brother.  For the past few years, he was watching but couldn’t interfere…didnot have the right to talk or have an opinion in whatever was decided for me… show the positive side of life, the bright side. The important thing that, he succeeds to convince me that was not the end of life and it is not my fault, I was the victim, did not have idea how to act at both experience yet It never too late to shape my life again and force the people around me to respect my new shape, my new ideas and my new character.
Now after 6 years, at the age of 23, I’ve finished my degree in English literature, working as a teacher and of course thank you for my dearest brother, he was my rock, my friend, he was at my back in all situation, if I want to give up, again he was my rock which he never allows me to give up… if it wasn’t him don’t know what could happen to me… I want to say if you find yourself in a hard situation, don’t give up, don’t lose faith and God will send you the help in different types, there is always good thing at the end.

What was my respond...

first of all, allow me to say that, it wasn’t your fault, you didn’t own your decision at that time, but from what I can see you’ve learned a lot from your experience… it was hard and very tough what you went through but you manage to raise up and decide to do something with your life, when believe and realized that this is not the end of your life and still the good is coming…
Your rescues chain, at that time, was your brother, the rock that you use to stand up and here you are, a successful woman, start a new chapter in your life, closing the door at all the pain and the sorrow that, you’ve gone through. You are such a brave strong and independent woman, who are ready to face the whole world and make a different. 
Really I was delighted to receive your letter, and insist to publish it to make your message reach as money as it can…. A message for every parent, let your baby girl lives her life, help her to make her own decisions, be the guide and watch from a distance, let her learn from her mistakes and try to guide her wisely. Make bonds with her brothers and sisters and when the right time comes and to be a wife teach her how to become a wife, how to create a healthy family…., spread the love and love them all

Friday, March 8, 2019

Strong Independent woman.. 2019

Every woman around the world has always at her back someone who’s supporting her, whether he is a father or a mother, sister or brother and of course a good friend…
Women will not reach to any conclusions or any result negative or positive by their own… it will be coming from the wall which she will lean on. 
From there you can have your own dreams, to be whatever you want, women all around can be well educated, raising children, holding a high position, becomes great leaders… with your brilliant ideas, and wise guidance… 
Meanwhile, in the very near half of the world, we see the ugly truth, the result of being misled, poor education, girls are getting married under 12 years, babies give birth to babies, groups are being kidnaped, rapes and that’s because men misuse their mastery (brother, father or even a mother or anyone the girls under his rule.
Many are being under the spill of Customs and traditions which are already outdated, but they still holding with it very tide to control their lives.

Lightening those minds at that side of the world need hard work, the long road will start with encouraging the girls’ education, to control their life’s path, to have an opinion in their upcoming life and the shape of it. they can be independence strong women in all conditions single or married, student or child. You must be part of the world improvement and share your word.
Instead of struggling to fight the men lets gather to save the remain girls and shed light at their straggling in around the world.
Happy women’s day… 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

لأن الصَبي حَكمْ

التربية تكون غالبا لتراكمات سابقة مرت عبر أجيال وتواصلت بالوراثة إلى أن ترسخت وأصبحت عُرف يستحيل تغيره بسهولة وقد لا تتغير عند البعض.

تشاجر مجموعة من الأولاد والفتيات خلال رحلة ترفيهية ضمت أفرادٌ من العائلة، الصِبْيَان تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين الثامنة والحادي عشر أما الفتيات فأعمارهن ما بين ثلاث وعشر سنوات.

كان الاتفاق العرفي الذي تم فيما بينهم، أن يتم استخدامهم للنطاطة (الترامبولين) أولا ثم في ساعة معينة سياتي دور الفتيات للعب، ما حدث طبعا أن الصبية لم تيلتزموا بالوعد. وفي كل مرة يأتين ويطالبن في حقهم  باللعب، كانوا يستهينوا بمطلب البنات ويستمرون في اللعب إلى أن وصل الغضب بين مجموعة البنات إلي حده ، ثم فوجئنا بالتالي وانسحبت أول فتاة وهي تبكي وجاءت تشتكي مطالبة بحقها في اللعب، اما الثانية جاءت وهي مستكينة تنتظر الفتات من الصبية، أما الفتاة الأخيرة وهي اصغرهن فاشتبكت مع اخيها وأصرت على ان لها حقٌ في اللعب لن تتنازل، فعاقبت الام الاثنين الولد والبنت ، ولكن دار بعد هذا الموقف تفاش حاد بين الكبار، ان الفتيات لا يجب ان يشتبكوا مع الأولاد وان الابنة التي تشاجرت مع اخيها مخطئة ويجب معاقبتها ..طبعا لم أصمت واخبرتهم من المنطق أن نأتي على البنت وطلباتها التي هي في الحقيقة حقوق لها... فقط لأنها بنت وننصر الولد لأنه ذكر!
ألم تنتهي هذه الأسطوانة التي نعيد ترديدها ونحن على مشارف القرن الثاني والعشرين؟؟؟؟

الولد، الأخ، الزوج والأب هو مصدر حماية لا ترهيب، هو مصدر للاستقرار والأمان لا للتعذيب
هو من استمد منه شجاعتي ويساندني في ضعفي.

لم آتي إلى هذه الدنيا لكي أُذَل وأصبح درجة ثانية سواء في طلباتي أو في حقوقي المشروعة والتي تعتبر شيئاً بديهياً

أتمنى أل تورث الأمهات هذه الموروثات العقيمة عن ان الولد أفضل من البنت، وأن اسمعي كلمته "هو" من فقط لأنه هو من قرر؟

يحتاج عالمنا اليوم إلى نبذ المعتقدات القبلية والعرفية والتي أصبحت موروثا عصبِياً، لا يدينونه حت وان تعد على حقوق المرأة والطفلة والأبنة والاخت ..... إلخ. نحتاج إلي أساسيات في التربية تدعو إلى العدل والمساواة والمحبة ... تدعو إل جعل المرأة والابنة والطفلة في صراع ومنافسة لتثبت ليس أنها أقوى ولا افضل لكن لكي يفهموا أنها تسطيع وتقدر، لا تبحث عن المساواة بقدر ما بحثها عن العدل والاحترام والتقدير.

لان بالنهاية المرأة أُخت الرجال ولولا النساء لما  وُجد الرجل.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

وحيدةٌ... لا


انْزَويْتُ بعيداً في طرف رُكنٍ بعيد منزويِ...

 لا يكاد يُنظر ولكن هو المٌرتجى 

خَليْتُ بِأفْكارِي في وحدتي ... 

فحاصرتني وكاد عقلي أن يَفِرَ وهو متضررا

فعدت لِصُحْبتي مغبطة ، فالجَمْعُ نِعْمَةٌ والوِحدَةُ مٌرْهِقةْ

كيف ‏تغلبت ‏على ‏مزاجي ‏السيء؟

تجلس بين مجموعة من الأصدقاء ، يتجاذبون أطراف الحديث وأنت في مكان آخر ومن ثم يوجه إليك الحديث ولا يُعجبك السؤال أو ماذا يقصد من حديثه، فينقلب...