Monday, November 16, 2020

My Life... New Chapter 😎

For the last few years and there is one question keep coming back and forth, since I’ve decided to continue my studying and get degree in something that will help me later in my future, since then and I am confused for what next, what will I do later..

Will my studying help me to get my passionate career? My friend, people around me didn’t have clear answer or I did not ask the question in a right way….

Later I got my degree and it start to become headache… almost reach to depression but I save my self and went to consult a life coach thanks to my friend's who mentioned it by accident in front of me which was like a big rescue at that time... That life coach has Shaw me the way how to start shaping my up coming life... Which I am about to start the first chapter of it…. 💕

كيف ‏تغلبت ‏على ‏مزاجي ‏السيء؟

تجلس بين مجموعة من الأصدقاء ، يتجاذبون أطراف الحديث وأنت في مكان آخر ومن ثم يوجه إليك الحديث ولا يُعجبك السؤال أو ماذا يقصد من حديثه، فينقلب...