Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Back Again ... The Beginning

When I decided to write back in regular, wondering what is the fast way to write is it at my lap-top or by using my pen, well that question didn’t last, because my laptop have some technical issues and needed to be healed, so it will be out of service for a while till it will be fixed.

That’s takes us back to the old fashion way, the old fashion way, which I don’t mind, absolutely I still love going shopping for my pens, and it is a must to be cheerful, bright colors that will makes me feels good. Pink, purple, blue…Etc.

I have my own blog and I try from time to time to post something new, but not in regular, but I decide to make it a regular habit to be at least daily or weekly and I should thanks my colleague at work Mr. Raed who is encouraging me to do post what I write, as I am looking to make it to reach a professional writer, the questions are attacking me, how I will do it, what will I write….but it is happening....

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