Saturday, November 6, 2010

Great Achievements

As I was reading the news paper last Thursday , something drew up my attention, there was a condolences add regarding one of the VIP business men in Kuwait and the sound of the name sound familiar to me, I nod then I realize that I used to read that name on my rides on the street, whether I am heading to my work or minding my other social business, Any way I start remembering the name His name is Mohammed Al Diasty, he used to be a well know engineer in Kuwait , as I used to see his name along with his partner Al-Zamel together their names will be on the any project field, on top of a big sign announcing that they are handling this building and what included since I am not an engineer to explain, any way what I want to say that It touch me when I saw that condolence’s ad because for the past like 20 years and I start to realize that name and see it wherever I go , I felt like I know those people and they are familiar for me, who doesn’t feel the same, don’t we get attached to an actor or president and once he is died or sick we feel sad as if he is family just like The Egyptian actor Ahmed Zaki and the singer Jackson?? Here in Kuwait I was very sad when the lawyer and journalist writer Mosaad Al-Saleh Passed a way, I felt like someone close to me died god bless all their souls……
Really maybe I am emotional but I really get attached to the people easy especially when they are a big success in their filed , I feel how they fight and struggled to get to be on the top…..and because I used to see them around, news paper like I have that feeling they are around, but when they gone, it just hurts…….but we have their achievements to be as great memory of them, the engineer with his buildings, the doctor with his new cure and so on…

well done people

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

معايير ألجودة في أيامنا لا تتعدى معايير ألجودة على زمن الخليفة .مروان ألحمار

كيف ‏تغلبت ‏على ‏مزاجي ‏السيء؟

تجلس بين مجموعة من الأصدقاء ، يتجاذبون أطراف الحديث وأنت في مكان آخر ومن ثم يوجه إليك الحديث ولا يُعجبك السؤال أو ماذا يقصد من حديثه، فينقلب...