Sunday, May 15, 2011



The 63 memorial for Nekba (the near by word in English is Catastrophe ) Today, on the 15th of May, 10, different strange feelings are living in me these day, don’t know should I be sad or upset or angry or all together, actually all that feelings were inside me , that it grow up during the last 35 years. As I was born as refuges and grown up in strange country with mixed identity and then I realize I have a home town that it have been occupied from over 63 years, when all my friends around me I watch them hiding to their countries for summer vacation, And after they get tire of working they will go back there, but where we can go? that’s seems like Nakbah for me , when my father raise us telling us the stories about his beloved country and how he remember his child hood , his friends and his relatives and wish only to be buried there , And how he watched his father digging the land behind his house to hide the key and some things meaning a treasure for him……believing he is coming back soon and all that is a temporary situation, but that temporary situation stays days by days and then turn to be years after waiting that promises to happen someday but all what we see is a failure in all levels that makes us to be called a refuges, the owner of the land, from the camps experience to spreading in the different spaces of the world’s countries, but instead he dies as stranger, well that’s a Nakbah for me, and what we go through the past years and still suffering……till now, we are feeding apiece of information to our generations that don’t forget our lands ,we have to fight the Israeli’s plans to prevent us from going back to Palestine, so tat it won’t turn to be Nakba’ for us…

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